Meet the Horses


Tokyo is our lesson horse that started it all.  He gives deffinition to the term "work horse."  Though he can be a stinker to catch, once he is in hand he is a gentleman and a favorite.  He's been known to pout if he doesn't get treats after lessons.

Koda's name comes from the Sioux language and means, "friend."  It's a title that suites her well.  She is a beautiful American Paint Horse in her late teens with more whoa-than-go.  She's our tallest horse on the property, and the most gentle.

River is pint-sized arabian cross pony who has more sass than her size suggests.  Though she's small, she is not one of our beginner mounts.  You'll see advanced students and instructors riding her for mounted lessons.

Apollo is not owned by White Horse, but is graciously shared with the lesson program by his owners.  Apollo is a Quarter Horse in his early 20's, and has intruduced many young equestrians to the love of horses.  He enjoys having the round bale to himself, peppermints, and apples.